Friday, March 20, 2009



Tags: albuterol

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I knew it was coming even though I pretended it wasn't. One day I was absolutely fine and then the next, BAM! Spring exploded all over the desert and I'm reeling from the stuffy head, sore throat, itchy eyes, runny nose horribleness that are my allergies. What really ticks me off is that I take Zyrtec on a daily basis. I have year round allergies (mostly to dust mites) but the spring is the worst time of year for me. This year it seems to be worse for some reason. So, I'm sitting here tanked about one-quarter of the dose that was required 10 years earlier. Today's group turned to their rescue (albuterol) inhaler about half as often as the group from the '90s did, and their lung function scores were higher. They also required less intubations Millions of people with asthma and other lung diseases who take inhalers like Albuterol that are propelled by chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, will have to jump to hydrofluoroalkane, or HFA inhalers by Wednesday, December 31st. Because CFCs have been tested bad for the environment, this is invite news for Mother Earth. However, those meeting the transition are not overjoyed. The modify, which goes into effect January 2009, will bring the U.S. into compliance with the 1987 treaty designed to secure


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